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Kill the Dummy

It's time you unplugged your arcade joystick and plugged in your smartphone. You heard right, our very own virtual arcade game has come of age. Gone are the days where you only had one option when it came to playing video games—the classic arcade stick. Now, gamers have hundreds of options when it comes to playing their favorite games on home consoles, smartphones, tablets, and more. But what if you could combine all of these gaming platforms into onegaming experience? What if you could play any online or offline arcade game with a mobile device? If you answered “yes” to those questions then you’ve probably been us and want to try something new. What we call “arcade games” used to be called “video game machines” back in the day…and they still are! The name’s been changed around a bit over the years but the concept remains the same—an arcade is an arena-style venue that specializes in playing video games throughout their establishment (usually for a fee). These venues have historically not been conducive to playing touchscreens or other types of digital entertainment so this recent evolution has been quite the challenge for traditional arcades everywhere. We at EJC continue to push boundaries by exploring the untapped potential of this hybrid form of gaming. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a total beginner we hope you enjoy this gallery of unique virtual arcades as much

You’ve probably heard it a million times. “You can never have too many It’s one of the most obvious and truest sayings around. Having many different options can be useful in any situation, even if you don’t actually need to use them all at once. But, as with anything in life, too much of a good thing can occasionally… well, not really good. For example: Having so many weapons would usually be a benefit if you needed to use every one of them at once and nothing else worked like it did back when you first started out You get three flies with that fly monster joke? Holy shit). However, things change from there on in and now you have to worry about whether having so many options is actually making your life more difficult or just making things harder than they need to be. In this article, we’ll talk about some situations where having too many weapons might actually backfire on you and why that number of daggers in the wound might not be such a good thing after

You can’t live by your wits alone. You need friends too! But that’s easier said than done. Especially if you’re the kind of friend who encourages everyone else to play it safe, instead of taking a chance. That’s why you should check out this new game called “Kill The Dummy”. It might not have all the thrills of bomb-throwing, saw-blasting or high-tech gadgets, but at heart, it’s still an arcade game -- and that’s what makes it so

How to play Kill the Dummy

Using Mouse

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