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Fish Eat Getting Big

Fish Eat Getting Big is a game that involves growing your fish by eating smaller fish while avoiding larger predators. Although the game's mechanics and rules may vary depending on the platform or version you are playing, here is a general outline of how to play:

Objective: The objective of the game is to help your fish grow as big as possible by eating smaller fish without getting eaten by larger fish.

Game Mechanics:

  1. Control your fish: You typically control your fish using touch or keyboard controls. You can move your fish around the game area to find smaller fish to eat.

  2. Eating smaller fish: To grow your fish, you must swim into smaller fish that are smaller than your current size. When you do this, your fish will consume the smaller fish, and you will grow in size.

  3. Avoiding larger predators: There are usually larger fish or predators in the game that can eat you if they come into contact. Avoid these larger fish to stay alive.

  4. Power-ups: Some versions of the game may include power-ups or special abilities that can help you grow faster or protect you from predators temporarily.

  5. Time limits or score goals: Depending on the version, you may have a limited amount of time to achieve a certain score or reach a specific size.


  1. Eating smaller fish: You can only eat fish that are smaller than your current size. Trying to eat larger fish will result in your fish getting eaten instead.

  2. Avoiding larger predators: Stay away from larger fish or predators to avoid getting eaten. Use your agility and speed to outmaneuver them.

  3. Growing: As you eat smaller fish, your fish will gradually grow in size. The larger you become, the more challenging it may be to avoid predators.

  4. Winning: The game may have different win conditions, such as reaching a certain size or achieving a high score. Follow these objectives to succeed in the game.

  5. Game Over: If your fish gets eaten by a larger predator, the game is over. You may have the option to start again or view your final score.

Remember that the specific mechanics and rules can vary from one version of the game to another, so it's a good idea to check the in-game instructions or tutorial if available. Enjoy playing Fish Eat Getting Big and try to grow your fish as large as possible while avoiding becoming someone else's meal!


How to play Fish Eat Getting Big

Using Mouse

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